Friday, March 4, 2011


I think rain is awesome.

Sure, a lot of people's moods change when it gets grey and rainy outside. But usually they get sad and introverted. When I see it raining, I get so excited! The water cleans and changes the air outside, so it feels refreshing and magical!

scooper playing with the rain in iceland

Unfortunately, it hasn't rained in a loooong time in Denver. Snow? Yeah, tons of it! But rain? Not all year, I don't think. I could go for a good downpour sometime soon... get out my rainboots and jacket, jump in some puddles, watch drops drip off of buildings and trees. Doesn't that sound pretty?

xxo, S


  1. it's raining in New York right now and kinda sucks, i can bottle up some rain and send it to you if you'd like (you can take a sip from it once a month)

  2. why yes, that would be quite nice. il take one bottle of new york rain for delivery please
