Wednesday, June 8, 2011

DISPATCH in concert!!!

So here's the lowdown on the best concert by The Biggest Band You've Never Heard Of (in shorthand, because I can't put sentences together):
-reunion tour (first since 2002), big in the '90s, most popular song is "The General"
-performed at Red Rocks Amphitheatre, which is this sweet, natural outdoor amphitheatre outside of Denver
-everyone there was about thirty, probably were in high school or college when Dispatch was big
-they sold out three nights in a row at Red Rocks
-the band was so chill, I love their music!
-Sorry and Ginger came along; Smiley missed it 'cause she went home already :(
-here's some pictures!!!!

 performing from the middle of the audience - they just appeared!
my ticket :)

It's such a cool venue - like no other place in the world. The band is rockin it because they love where they're performing so the crowd is rockin it, too, and it's just the best concert you've ever been too. Can't wait for MORE concerts at Red Rocks in the future!

xxo, S

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