Friday, November 30, 2012

November round up

Howdy partners!

November has witnessed a calm, cool settling of the air. That is to say, the temperature has dropped and the activities have slowed. After fall break, coming back to Aix was like getting comfy on the couch after you get up to make some popcorn - your seat is still warm, you sit down, you sink into your old lounging position, and it feels really good because, let's face it, standing up while making popcorn just takes so much out of you.

Where was I?
Oh yeah: November.

Okay, so not quite the wild ride that we saw in October. But how can you do nothing while studying abroad? Answer: you can't!
So even if you're just in Aix, or you're seeing more of France, stuff is happening! With less than one month until I'll really be back on my comfy couch, I've taken the time to check things off my study abroad bucket list. I got my outdoorsy fix by hiking Mount Sainte-Victoire. I went to Marseille, because how could you not - we're so close! And I climbed the fountain at La Rotunde (that was not on my bucket list, but if I'd known how fun it would be, it would've been!).
I also got in a fight with cheese. But French food redeemed itself at Thanksgiving.

My study abroad experience is not winding down, no way. In fact, I'm probably only just beginning to realize how much I love it here. Which really sucks since I'm leaving so soon! :( Oh well, that's why you gotta make the most of it, right?!

And please don't forget that I've made the big move to a new blog site (since this one can't hold anymore photos)! The new blog is here:

That's all for this edition of what's-Stephanie-been-up-to. See you in December (that came quickly, didn't it).

xxo, S

and, yo, check those boxes down there sometimes, okay?? Shaker Jerry does.
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