Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Gadget wishlist - cameras

For every fun event and experience that I take part in, twice the amount of time is spent preparing. So if it's a two hour party, I spend four hours or more preparing or obsessing over it. Half of that prep time is spent searching for my reliable handheld items - cell phone, wallet, keys, iPod. But the one device I can never find is my camera.

Maybe we should back up here... because I don't actually own a camera. It's more like, I'm spending time looking for someone else's camera to take - ahem, 'scuse me, borrow - so I can have those memorable shots the next day. But I've had enough of using someone else's camera! It is time that I, Stephanie, got my very own camera.

At the top of my wishlist is the Sony NEX-3. Thank you, Nylon magazine, for showing this glorious piece if equipment to me: it has "the lens of a high-end camera and the body of a pocket-friendly digital point-and-shoot." Perfectttttt...

Other desirable picture-takers include:
Sony Cybershot series
Canon PowerShot series
Kodak Slice

Can you say birthday present!!!?
How about "CHEESE!"
xxo, S

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