Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So as my days in New York come to an end, I am becoming increasingly more nostalgic about this great city that I've taken for granted for so long. I realize I won't have unlimited access to delicious ethnic food, or endless shopping choices at my fingertips. As these small facts become more and more evident in my mind, I am scrambling to embrace it all one last time, as quickly as possible.

Here are a few of my favourite things:

a woman knitting (full on!) while standing on the subway. she's the one in the green dress and by no means any sort of frumpy grandma lady. no, no, this is one chic knitter... only in new york.

in times square, a girl sports a neon orange dress... to match the neon orange signs maybe?

hipster graffiti in an urban outfitters fitting room that reminds shoppers what i have just recently realized: don't take new york for granted!

not actually IN the city, but my web browser informs me that netflix refuses to load with a disappointed "aw snap!"

"We could be living next to a murderer, Larry!"
"New York is a melting pot, get used to it." -Manhattan Murder Mystery

Purple and I spent the day downtown near Union Square and the West Village. We stopped at such New York hot spots as Urban Outfitters, Pinkberry, the Strand, Starbucks, Magnolia, and the marc jacobs store (where Purple's new "boyfriend" works). Soon, I'm sure, I'll be exploring the standard Denver hangouts. "Each man reads his own meaning into New York," Meyer Berger. For me, it will always be my hometown, my homebase, and my heart.

xxo, S

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