Sunday, November 14, 2010

Becoming literate

I made it a goal this year to become more "well-read." This has a different meaning for everyone; for me, it means reading old books, classics if you will, and actually enjoying them. When I read these kinds of books, I want to really appreciate the language, style, and structure that's captivated so many people over the years.

Here's where I'm at so far:
Pride and Prejudice
Alice's Adventures Under Ground
Through the Looking-Glass
Slaughterhouse Five

I also just finished what is now one of my favourite books of all time, Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. The film version is being released this coming April starring Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, and Christoph Waltz, all of whom I adore. If you haven't gotten the chance, read it! I tore through it in one week... probably would've been less time if I hadn't had so much actual work to do (oh, college). Seriously though, I rarely recommend books written today, so pick this up - especially if you plan on seeing the movie.

xxo, S

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