Friday, January 28, 2011

My wandering mind

Do you ever look at your professor's head?

Take my economics professor for example. The guy stands up there and lectures for one hundred minutes about Smith, Marx, Bentham, the "theory of the firm," and marginal costs. He has no notes in his hands while he scribbles illegible, yet vital, terms and facts on the board. His arm swoops down over half the surface, making a quick supply and demand graph to illustrate his point. Ask him a question and he answers in wayyy more detail than you wanted. Anything in the readings, he can explain in long or short. And he's not that old, not a grey hair in sight.

So what's my point? Look at his head. It doesn't seem unusually large. But he keeps all this information in there. More knowledge just about economics than I could possible hope to learn in all my undergrad years. And his head really isn't that big!

Ok, so I guess I'm the only one who would space out and focus on this during class. But I do really want to know where it all goes? All our memories and knowledge and functions that we use everyday; how does it all fit in our teeny little heads?

xxo, S


  1. You know that the old adage that "humans only use 10% of their brain power"? It's false. We actually use the entire thing, though not necessarily all the time & it varies for each task.

    Also... you might find this article about memory capacity interesting:
