Sunday, August 19, 2012

IAU Blogger Program

SO, the IAU, which is the school I'll be studying at in Aix, has "Featured Student Bloggers" program. They sent out an email (three, actually) encouraging students to apply for it.
When I hear the word "Apply" I usually get freaked out for two reasons, both of which make sense to me but not others.

Reason One:
Time. I don't want to sit down and do paperwork and fill out a form. Especially the part that usually goes something like "Tell me about yourself" or "You friends would describe you as..." Dude, I don't freakin' know what my friends would describe me as! That's why they would describe me that way. Ugh - overall, the time it takes to to the whole "applying" thing is very daunting.

Reason Two:
Rejection. What if they don't like what I submit? Especially when it comes to something like my writing, I'm sensitive to why someone might decline to have me blog for them. I don't write for other people... but I definitely care what people think of my writing! Not that I am opposed to criticism or edits - any writer knows you must take all that in stride. BUT I get a little disappointed when someone else's writing gets picked over mine.

Anyway, they gave us a few questions to answer as we write our first blog post. We'll submit it - if they like it, you're in! Submissions will be accepted based on quality of material and depth of reflection. Eep! I hope my reflections are "deep" enough for them.

I'm going to post what I submitted to the IAU. Because I think it's good and that you should all read it. All of it is true and would have ended up here at some point anyway.
And if they do pick someone else to blog for them, oh well. I still get to blog for you guys and it's the best!

xxo, S

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