Sunday, June 20, 2010


Last night, the BHS Class of 2010 said our final goodbyes as we graduated from high school.

Graduation at my school is unique because it is rife with traditions, the most obvious being the actual ceremony. Caps and gowns never make an appearance; instead, boys wear white dinner jackets and black tuxedo pants with red boutonnieres and girls wear floor length white dresses with red rose bouquets.

Class of 2010

The ceremony is also held outside every year. There have only been three instances since 1922 that the graduation has been inside. They block off the street in front of the school to minimize street noise as well, so its truly centered on the graduates and their families.

Afterwards, many families choose to attend the dinner at a country club in town for more celebration. But this is just the beginning. Although all the formal celebrations are over by 10p, there are more events of the evening. The All-Night Party starts at 11p and goes until 3a.

Blacklight theme lent to some trippy photos

Then at 3, we leave with a police escort and bagpiper to march to the next house for breakfast. Both the party and the breakfast are at houses of graduates and are pretty near each other so there isn't too much walking... but they made us take the long route so we could walk more and "revel in the experience." Really? At 3 in the morning I want to keep walking? No, I want to go to sleep. But it was a good experience anyway.

Bagpipe parade

Finally, at 5a, I went home to sleep. It was really cool to walk home from the graduation festivities and watch the sun rising on the first day of the rest of my life.

Standing in the middle of the street at 5a because we can

Being an official graduate feels fantastic!!!! I'm so excited for this summer and for college to start in the fall!
xxo, S

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