Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Le 4 Septembre

Today I woke up just before my alarm at 8H. The tall French doors (can you still call them that in France) were letting the bright morning light in and I was, surprisingly, not super jet lagged. Downstairs, I heard the sounds of the morning: C getting J ready for school and everyone heading out (the first day of CP, oh la).
After lying in bed for a while and adjusting to the day, I got dressed and went downstairs to make some coffee. C and A were back, bustling around the house, doing their daily. A headed out shortly for work stuff, while C offered to draw me a map of getting to the centre ville from the house. We chatted about adjusting to a new country, before deciding that we would walk together to get J from school at lunch break. I went upstairs, did a quick email check, and prepped for the day.
I haven’t work makeup since my job ended. Putting eyeliner on was tricky after all this time! Even seeing myself with makeup – it took a minute to get used to it again. I forgot what I look like. Not a bad look, but I always think I look more awake, which is important when you are still, technically, on a different time zone.

After picking up J at school, we walked through part of town for a second – I got my first real sight of Aix – before settling in for lunch at Fred’s, where J has been going since “before he was born.” He ordered eggs, I had boeuf and C got a hamburger, all with fries. Totally hit the spot, and so delicious for lunch!

But when we got back to the house, I realized I wasn’t feeling very well. My stomach had been bothering me since I arrived in Madrid yesterday, but it wasn’t until this precise moment that I realized I might have a bug and should actually rest. Fret not: I am feeling better, but it is good that I rest now and not be unwell for more important moments of this trip. So I’m resting back in my (Rebecca’s) room and the afternoon breeze is coming through those French doors again. It is a beautiful day, and I wish I could be out enjoying it. However, I know that as soon as I’m feeling 100% again, I’ll be walking to town as I intended to.

xxo, S

P.S. I think le 4 septembre is some important date in French history... could someone verify this? And the only reason I say so is because there is a road in town, Rue le 4 Septembre, aaaaand they don't name streets after just any ol' date.

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