Friday, September 7, 2012

Week One

Tuesday (Mardi):
First full day in Aix! Get the low-down from C (and a cute hand-drawn map). Meet J at l'école for two hour lunch break (so French). Eat in town, where they've known J since before he was born! Back home, rest. Take a walk in the late afternoon - first time perusing toute seule! Back for dinner, sleep early.


Wednesday (Mercredi):
Feel really really sick. Sleep late, attempt a (very lame) walk. Rest more. Blog. C and J at Carrefour for the day (no school on Wednesdays) getting school supplies with everyone and their mother (literally!). Dinner with a friend of C and A's come to visit and help teach at the Marchutz school (art) for the semester. Sleep early.

Thursday (Jeudi):
Wake up. Walk into town with C and A. Meet friend from dinner last night to get my cell phone set up. I'm reachable now! Walk around the centre ville and see markets for the first time. Back home, rest. Three girls come over to babysit J while C and A are at a meeting. I chat with them a little bit to practice my French and watch cartoons with J. Hot dogs for dinner! They think it's nasty, I find myself strangely comforted by the mystery meat. After J "goes to sleep" (he was still awake), we stay up watching the movie "Two In One" dubbed in French, then I go to bed.

Friday (Vendredi):
Wake up, chill downstairs with my coffee and blog. C is writing on her laptop in the living room. In the afternoon, we put on gym clothes and go for a brisk walk in a nearby park, La Torse, which I will be frequenting - it's nicely laid out and so pretty! (I keep calling it la trusse which is a pencil case!) Back home, change. Get J from l'école. Walk into the centre ville for a goûté (snack) of baby doughnuts - so tasty!!! Get some last school supplies at the paper store (which I will be going back to, as well, for my own school notebooks, etc). Walk by the IAU, meet up with A. Grab a seat at a café next to the Cathédrale Ste. Sauvère. Chill. Walk back home. Meet "The Dutchies," neighbors who are from the Netherlands and so so so nice! Their three kids are adorable, including a tiny baby. Back home for dinner. After dinner, watch some Pokémon videos on YouTube with J, write letters with C, and then sleep. My last night with them, then off to my homestay!

 drawings by J
drawings ("show these to Indy!")

xxo, S

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