Friday, May 7, 2010

Countdown to freedom

Today was full of accomplishments. Not only did I wake up at 7a (very early for me), but I managed to take a shower, get dressed, walk to school, and grab coffee all by 7.35 - just in time for the 8a AP English literature exam. My exam went well, I think. But, I won't really know until mid-July when they mail out the scores.

When I got home, I went shopping for prom shoes... and got a bonus - some super cute sandals, too :) I can't wait 'til my dress arrives!

Only one exam left and I have pretty much total freedom! After next Tuesday, it's Purple's birthday on Friday, then prom the next week. Just a few weeks until graduation - forty four days, actually!!!

Where you can find me...

xxo, S


  1. i like this. in general. except that your moving even further away from me :(

  2. yeah but it's ok - you can visit!
