Monday, February 21, 2011

Why Stumble Upon is awesome

If you haven't heard about, you should get your butt over there S.T.A.T!
Why? I shall tell you...

When the internet was created, it was intended to link everyone together in on common, fast, way. Through social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, even blog sites, email, and Google, people have access to more now than ever before. And it's wonderful!
But ask yourself: how much of the internet do you really use? When you open up your web browser, where's the first place you go? What are you really seeing?

With StumbleUpon, you are transported anywhere with one click. And it's all based on the interests you pick out yourself! It takes you to pages you're almost already guaranteed to like, and wouldn't have discovered otherwise. You moderate your account yourself, too, so you can "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" what you like or don't like. It's completely personalized.

So just when you think you aren't getting everything out of your internet, hop on StumbleUpon and wow yourself. It's amazing what's out there.

xxo, S


  1. Stumbleupon is my new addiction, gracias chica, i really needed a new way to procrastinate :P but in all seriousness, it is the greatest thing ever, if it weren't for stumbleupon, i would have never discovered some really awesome websites and blogs.

  2. aw, lovely! im glad to have help corrupted you :) hahaha

  3. I've been wasting my time there for years. Glad we think alike!
